Printable Decoble Gaes and Activities


A summer monsoon rain has filled the dam near Jan’s house with water. Jan’s Grandpa Sam and Grandma Kim live just down the road from Jan. They have invited Jan, her sister Gret, and their dog Tup to hike to the dam for a picnic. Grandpa Sam will bring his pig Pam.

Summer in the desert is hot so the hikers must stop from time to time to rest. Jan brings a book so she can read to Tup whenever they take a break. Pam the pig likes to be read to as well, but she is also very curious and playful. She likes to wander here and there to see what she will find. She also likes to play pretend.

Before they go to the dam, Grandpa and Grandma have a few errands they must do. First, they must get a Pig Yum for Pam to have at the dam. Then they must go to Quin and Dave’s house. The boys are on vacation with their parents and their dog Bade. Grandpa and Grandma are feeding the boys’ pet bugs and their cat. Then they must stop at the Vet Hospital to say hi to Liz and Chad the cat.

The hike from the Vet Hospital to the dam is long. Tup and Pam may get bored. There are also a lot of cactus with sharp pokies. They must be careful that they don’t run into a cactus and get stuck.

Are you ready to go to the dam with Tup and his family?

Printable Decodable Games and Activities

Phonics Rules

Consonants, primary sounds

Short vowels

Digraphs: ch, sh, th, wh, ck

2 and 3 sound words

Possessive ‘s


Sight Words

a, are, be, does, go, goes, has, he, her, 

his, into, is, like, my, of, OK, says, see, 

she, the, they, to, want, you

Printable Decodable Games and Activities

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Printable Decodable Games and Activities


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