DOG ON A LOG Books Phonics Progression (Scope and Sequence)

The DOG ON A LOG Books Phonics Progression is developed by my daughter’s specialist dyslexia reading tutor and myself. The phonics chosen for each Step takes into consideration the abilities of most students at that level while also trying to increase the number of decodable words as much as possible.
Your student should be instructed in the phonics included in each Step of books before they try to read the books. Some kids will need just a bit of instruction and will be able to read the books easily. Other students may need lots of practice with letter tiles, sentences, games, and more before they feel ready to start reading an actual book. Some kids will do best re-reading each page or each book. Other kids will be ready to move on to the next Step after reading the books just one time each. You will have to determine the best way to help your student master the skills before moving on to the next Step of phonics. You can learn about specific activities for teaching and practicing the phonics rules in How to Use Decodable Books to Teach Reading.
DOG ON A LOG Books Phonics Progression (Scope and Sequence)DOG ON A LOG Books Phonics Progression
Click Here To Download The DOG ON A LOG Printable Phonics Sequence And Book List
This is the SPREADSHEET for more convenient use in creating orders
Click Here To Download The DOG ON A LOG Phonics Sequence And Book List SPREADSHEET
Coming Soon:
Step 11 (Currently being written)
- R-controlled syllables ar, er, ir, or, ur (star, fern, twirl, corn, surf)
- One-syllable words with -ire (tire, spire)
- Three-syllable words with known phonics and/or sight words (chimpanzee, Wyoming, waterway)
DOG ON A LOG Sight Word Progression
DOG ON A LOG Books Phonics Progression (Scope and Sequence)
Click here to Download The DOG ON A LOG Printable Quick Assessment Tool
(The Assessment Tool is formatted for use so the format is different than the image below.)